Blog Archive

Sunday, December 18, 2016

It is currently 27 degrees here in Hutto, Texas. Brrr.
What better time to review and share all my confirmed butterfly sightings over the last year!
All of these pictures were taken in the HuttoParke subdivision in Hutto, Texas. I documented 38 different butterfly species. Rejoice! 
All but one species, the Great Purple Hairstreak, was spotted in a suburban yard. I found it at our neighborhood park on some Marsh Elder plants. I don't enhance photos other than to crop the size down and I use my iphone 6 to take the pictures. Enjoy the Butterflies!!

American Snout

 Brazilian Skipper

 Buckeye - my favorite

 Ceraunus Blue

Checkered Skipper

 Clouded Skipper

Cloudless Sulphur

Common Mestra

 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Eufala Skipper

Fiery Skipper

Funereal Duskywing

Giant Swallowtail

Gray Hairstreak

Great Purple Hairstreak

Gulf Fritillary

Hackberry Emperor

 Horace's Duskywing


Large Orange Sulphur

Little Yellow

 Long-tailed Skipper


Ocala Skipper

Orange Barred Sulphur

Painted Lady

Pearl Crescent

Pipevine Swallowtail



Red Admiral

Sachem Skipper

Southern Dogface

Southern Skipperling

 Tailed Orange

Turk's Cap White Skipper

Variegated Fritillary


Wow, right? 

Add a few Texas native plants along with nectar shrubs and trees then BAM butterflies out the wazoo.  

These creatures are able to thrive in human dominated spaces if just given the chance. But that's a blog for another day.

If you're wanting a fantastic resource to expand your nature knowledge and also upload your own pictures of awesomeness, check out, my nickname is marillionjade24.